Earnings Screener | Bespoke Investment Group

Earnings Screener | Bespoke Investment Group

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TickerSearch earnings reports by specific stock tickers.
DateFind earnings reports before, on, or after a certain date.
QuarterSearch by specific quarterly earnings seasons of the year.
Time of DayTells whether company reports before the open (AM), after the close (PM), or during the trading day (D).
Prior CloseStock's closing price prior to its quarterly earnings report. Filter database by share price levels.
Actual EPSCompany's actual reported EPS (earnings per share) by quarter.
Estimated EPSConsensus analyst estimated EPS (earnings per share) by quarter.
Act. vs. Est. EPSActual EPS minus estimated EPS. Search by stocks that beat or miss EPS estimates.
Actual RevenuesCompany's actual reported revenues ($, millions) by quarter.
Estimated RevenuesConsensus analyst estimated revenues ($, millions) by quarter.
Act. vs. Est. RevenuesActual revenues minus estimates revenues. Search by stocks that beat or miss revenue estimates.
GuidanceTells whether company raised, lowered, or reported inline or no guidance.
Opening Gap % ChgPercentage change at the open of trading (versus prior closing price) following a stock's earnings release.
Opening Gap Pt. ChgPoint change ($/share) at the open of trading (versus prior closing price) following a stock's earnings release.
Open to Close % ChgPercentage change from the open of trading to the close of trading following a stock's earnings release.
Open to Close Pt. ChgPoint change ($/share) from the open of trading to the close of trading following a stock's earnings release.
Full Day % ChgFull one-day percentage change on the first trading day following a stock's earnings release.
Full Day Pt. ChgFull one-day point change ($/share) on the first trading day following a stock's earnings release. (Combines the Opening Gap and the Open to Close readings.)
Full Day Absolute % ChgFull one-day absolute percentage change on the first trading day following a stock's earnings release.