This week’s Bespoke Report newsletter is now available for members.

And you thought inflation was the market’s biggest worry? Jim Bullard may have freaked out the financial markets on Thursday regarding his comments on the need to take a more aggressive stance towards inflation, but on Friday geopolitical concerns crowded out the FOMC and inflation when reports surfaced that a Russian attack on Ukraine was imminent and US officials warned Americans to evacuate the country within the next 48 hours. That latest war games between the US, Russia, and Ukraine in the middle sent stocks sharply lower and pushed all of the major averages into the red for the week. If you’re looking for a silver lining, at least Treasury yields fell!

In addition to this week’s Bespoke Report, we have also included our updated quarterly macro overview (“Fast Cycle, Fast Hikes: How Hard Will Central Banks Slam On The Brakes In 2022?”).  To read this week’s full Bespoke Report and access everything else Bespoke’s research platform has to offer, start a two-week trial to one of our three membership levels.